Flash Fundraiser: Update on Playground Situation

On Friday we gave these flyers to teachers, but some may not have sent them home yet. In short, the new playground equipment needs to be ordered by the end of March. Please consider donating this week (via PayPal/FUNd Run or check). LAPS will cover the main wall cost, but we want to order a few smaller pieces to go with at as well as something for the lower playground.


First Spring Fundraiser for Playground Equipment

First Spring Fundraiser for Playground Equipment

Since we didn't make our FUNd Run goal, we are having a few simple Spring fundraisers to raise money specifically for new playground equipment to replace the condemned climbing wall on the upper playground.

Our first fundraiser is next week with Tea Collection:

  1. Shop TEASCHOOLDAYS.COM from Monday, Feb. 22 to Monday, Feb. 29
  2. Enter promo code SDS16MTNELEM at checkout
  3. Receive 15% off & free 6-10 day shipping
  4. Mountain PTA will receive a check for 15% of sales!
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